Membership Information

For New and Renewing Members

Join or Renew Now!

Join now so that we have your email address and keep you updated on events which will occur in the coming months.

Annual Membership dues are $15.  Membership dues paid after September 1 of any year include the entire following year.

Due to the COVID pandemic, Club Español is not collecting annual dues for the 2021 year.   The Club will begin collecting dues for the 2022 year after September 1, 2021. 

Before September 1, 2021, new members do not need to include a check with the membership form and existing members can use the membership form to update personal information on file, e.g., new email address or new phone number.

When you click on the Membership Form button, a document will be displayed in another tab in your browser.  Download the form or print it.  Complete it and mail it to the address on the form as explained.  Thanks for joining today!

[Club Español is planning to enhance the membership process for new and renewing members.  In the future the Club wants to enable online processing of membership requests (both new and renewing) and to allow members to pay membership dues not only by check but also by credit or debit card..  When this enhancement is implemented, all members of record will be notified.  Thank you for your patience.]

Order A Name Badge, Too

Name badges are a great way to be friendly with all club members.  For information about a Spanish Club name badge and how to order one, click here.

 The Mission of the Spanish Club is to learn the language and appreciate the Hispanic Culture through classes, cultural events, fiestas, and travel.

Order A Name Badge, Too

Name badges are a great way to be friendly with all club members.  For information about a Spanish Club name badge and how to order one, click here.

Updated: February 22, 2023