Membership Information

For New and Renewing Members

Join or Renew Now!

Join/Renew now so that we have your email address and keep you updated on all events occurring in the coming months.  Remember that membership dues paid after September 1 of any year include the entire following year.

Alert:  Membership is required by the end of day on January 15th of any calendar year according to club by-laws in order to participate in all club functions for that Calendar Year including Language Classes and Fiestas.   Don’t wait until the last minute but if you’re unsure about whether or not you have already joined or renewed your membership, please email us.

Annual Membership dues are $15. 

Membership Signup is Available Here!

The Spanish Club encourages members to register here using a credit/debit card [click here for online registration].  We no longer accept cash.  On the other hand, if you wish, you may pay by check payable to “Spanish Club SCW.”  To do so, print a form [click here for form] and follow the mailing instructions.   Whichever way you choose, please enter your name exactly as it appears on your RCSCW ID card.

Our club exists due to the active support of all our members, each of whom has something to contribute and all of whom are valuable. Please use your registration to share your career experience as well as your interest as a volunteer.

Remember to bring your RCSCW ID to all club events and to add the club’s email address to your contacts so you never miss important announcements: SCWSPANISHCLUB@GMAIL.COM

Thanks for joining/renewing today!

Order A Name Badge, Too

We encourage all members to have a Name Badge.  Currently, the process for ordering a Name Badge is being reviewed.  If you would like to have a Name Badge, please send an email to the Spanish Club ( with “Name Badge” in the Subject Line.  When this review has been completed, a Club volunteer will respond.  Thanks for your patience.

Membership Registration FAQ

Forgotten whether you already registered?  Call us!  Email us!  Answering your inquiry is much easier than arranging a refund.

For renewing members, we’re often asked whether the online form could be pre-filled with a member’s information.  Unfortunately, we can’t afford the sophisticated software to do that.

David Hodnik, Club President: 320-492-0725,;

 The Mission of the Spanish Club is to learn the language and appreciate the Hispanic Culture through classes, cultural events, fiestas, and travel.

Updated: February 25, 2023