¡Muchas Gracias!
Barb Eischen recently took on the job of producing our newsletter, now titled “Hola Amigos” to keep all members apprised of club activities. The newsletter reports on Board activities and decisions, language class opportunities, fiestas, and other social events, club travel, and upcoming travel opportunities.
We invite new and current members to review the historical newsletters produced by previous editors. They are also a good sources for generating ideas for future club activities.
Notes on the Historical Newsletters…..
Jim Jasken was the editor of the Club Español Newsletter from 2016 until 2020. Joan Novy, was the preceding editor. This archived collection of newsletters displays his talent to produce a colorful, attractive and informative publication. Over the course of his editorship, Jim Jasken produced 18 newsletters that showcased events, books, book reviews, recipes, reports of international trips, upcoming travel opportunities and even Spanish funnies. We are most grateful to him for the talents he donated to our club! Thanks Jim, these newsletters reflect the spirit and scope of our club.
Archived Newsletters
The Mission of the Spanish Club is to learn the language and appreciate the Hispanic Culture through classes, cultural events, fiestas, and travel.
Updated: July 25, 2024